Jaunter’s Web

April 6, 2012

Jangan Berhenti Berdoa

Filed under: Uncategorized — jaunter @ 6:11 am

Bismillaahirohmaanirrohiim, Alhamdulillaahirobbil alamin, Allahumma sholli wa sallim ala Rasulillahi shollolloohu alaihi wassalam, wa ala aalihi wa ashhaabihi ajmaiin.

Ya Allah, tiada sesuatu yang tersembunyi dimata-Mu, Engkau tahu betapa banyaknya dosa yang telah kami perbuat kepada-Mu

Ya Rohmaan ya Rohiim, kami mohon ampunilah seluruh dosa-dosa kami, dosa besar dosa kecil, sengaja maupun tidak sengaja, terang-terangan maupun yang kami sembunyikan selama ini, yang lalu-lalu bahkan yang akan datang, dari mulai aqil baligh hingga akhir hayat kami

Ya Rohmaan ya Rohiim, ampunilah dosa-dosa ayah ibu kami, sayangilah ayah ibu kami dengan rahmat-Mu sebagaimana ayah ibu kami menyayangi kami, demikian pula guru-guru kami yang telah membimbing kami mengenal-Mu, kakek nenek kami, suami kami, istri kami, kakak adik kami, anak-anak cucu keturunan kami

Ya Allah ampuni pula semua jamaah zikir, dan seluruh orang-orang yang kami cintai kaum muslimiin dan muslimaat baik yang hidup apalagi yang telah wafat… aamiin ya Rabbal aalaamiin. (ROL)

March 30, 2011

practice martial art motivation

Filed under: martial art — jaunter @ 5:39 pm

repeat it a thousand times, ten thousand times
then your body will be able to react spontaneously

too late when you see it, seize the moment when your opponent’s mind moves

read the mind of your opponent

power does not create technique, and technique will bring speed

it is not to decide who is stronger
nor to show your technique to others

simply, its to repeat basic techniques to improve your body movement
thats kata practice

in real fights big movements don’t work
move fast in the real thing

match breathing with action

regardless of situation or opponent
make sure you can protect and survive
thats the real strength

March 16, 2010

Filed under: Umum — jaunter @ 9:23 am

A woman is like a tea bag. You cannot tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water.(NancyReagan)

January 12, 2010

CDMA Services and Features

Filed under: ilmu — jaunter @ 2:25 am

Features and Services

TIA/EIA/IS-95 specifications establish two types of features: voice features and short message service features.

Voice Features

The following are the primary voice features.

Call Delivery (CD).CDallows the reception of a call while in a roaming condition.

Call Forwarding Busy (CFB)/Call Forwarding Busy No Answer (CFNA)/ Call Forwarding Busy Unconditional (CFU). CFB, CFNA, and CFU allow a called subscriber to have the system send incoming calls, addressed to the called subscriber’s directory number, to another directory number (forward-to number), or to the called subscriber’s designated voice mailbox. This happens when the subscriber is engaged in a call or service (for CFB active), or when the subscriber does not respond to paging, does not answer the call within a specified period after being alerted, or is otherwise inaccessible (CNFA active). The inaccessibility may be characterized by the following: no paging response, unknown subscriber’s location, inactive subscriber, CD not active for a roaming subscriber, Do Not Disturb active, etc. If CFU is active, calls are forwarded regardless of the condition of the termination.

Call Transfer (CT). CT enables the subscriber to transfer an in-progress established call to a third party. The call to be transferred may be an incoming or outgoing call.

CallWaiting(CW).CWprovides notification to a controlling subscriber of an incoming call while the subscriber’s call is in the two-way state. Subsequently, the controlling subscriber can either answer or ignore the incoming call. If the controlling subscriber answers the second call, it may alternate between the two calls.

Calling Number Identification Presentation (CNIP)/Calling Number Identification Presentation Restriction (CNIR). CNIP provides and CNIR restricts the number identification of the calling party to the called subscriber. The termination network receives the calling number identification (CNI) as part of the basic call setup. This CNI may include one or two calling parties numbers (CPNs), a calling party © 2002 by CRC Press LLC subaddress (CPS), redirecting numbers (RNs), and a redirecting subaddress (RS).

Conference Calling (CC). CC provides a subscriber with the ability to conduct a multiconnection call, i.e., a simultaneous communication between three or more parties (conferees). If any of the conferees to a conference call disconnects, the remaining parties remain connected until the controlling subscriber disconnects.

Do Not Disturb (DND). DND prevents a called subscriber from receiving calls. When this feature is active, no incoming calls shall be offered to the subscriber.DNDalso blocks other types of alerting, such as the CFU abbreviated (or reminder) alerting and message waiting notification alerting. DND makes the subscriber inaccessible for call delivery.

Flexible Alerting (FA). FA causes a call to a pilot directory number to branch the call into several legs to alert several termination addresses simultaneously. The first leg to be answered is connected to the calling party and the other call legs are abandoned.

Message Waiting Notification (MWN). MWN informs enrolled subscribers when a voice message is available for retrieval. MWN may use pip tone or alert pip tone to inform a subscriber of an unretrieved voice message(s).

Mobile Access Hunting (MAH). MAH causes a call to a pilot directory number to search a list of termination addresses for one that is idle and able to be alerted, in a way that only one termination address is alerted at a time.

Password Call Acceptance (PCA). PCA is a call-screening feature that allows a subscriber to limit incoming calls to only those calling parties who are able to provide a valid PCA password (i.e., a series of digits).

Preferred Language (PL). PL provides the subscriber with the ability to specify the language for network services.

Priority Access and Channel Assignment (PACA). PACA allows a subscriber to have priority access to voice or traffic channels on call origination by queuing these subscribers’ originating calls when channels are not available. The subscriber is assigned one of several priority levels and the invocation ofPACAis determined to one of two options: permanent, in which the feature is always available, and demand, in which the feature is available only on request.

Remote Feature Control (RFC). RFC allows a calling party to call a special RFC directory number to specify one or more feature operations.

Selective Call Acceptance (SCA). SCA is a call-screening service that allows a subscriber to receive calls only from parties whose CNPs are in an SCA screening list of specified CNPs.

Subscriber PIN Access (SPINA). SPINA allows subscribers to control whether their mobile station is allowed to access the network. This feature may be used by subscribers to prevent unauthorized use of their own mobile station or fraudulent use by a clone.

Subscriber PIN Intercept (SPINI). SPINI enables subscribers to restrict outgoing calls originated from their mobile station. The subscriber requires a SPINI PIN authorization code to originate calls meeting specified criteria (e.g., international call type). SPINI PIN shall not be required on unrestricted call types (e.g., emergency) and may not be required for a list of frequently called numbers, regardless of their call type.

Three-Way Calling (3WC). 3WC provides the subscriber with the ability to add a third party to an established two-party call, so that all three parties may communicate in a three-way call.

Voice Message Retrieval (VMR). VMR permits a subscriber to retrieve messages from a voice message system (VMS).

Voice Privacy (VP). VP provides a degree of privacy for the subscriber over the base station to mobile station (BS–MS) radio link.

Short Message Service Features

The following are the primary short message service features:

Short Message Delivery–Point-to-Point Bearer Service (SMD-PP). SMDPP provides bearer service mechanisms for delivering a short message as a packet of data between two service users, known as short message entities (SMEs). The length of the bearer data may be up to 200 octets. Implementations and service providers may further restrict this length. The SMD-PP service attempts to deliver a message to an MS-based SME whenever the MS is registered even when the MS is engaged in a voice or data call.

Cellular Paging Teleservice (CPT). CPT conveys short textual messages (up to 63 characters) to an SME for display or storage.

Cellular Messaging Teleservice (CMT).CMTconveys and manages short messages to an SME for display or storage. This teleservice should coordinate the use of the display and arbitrate between conflicting users or services. Each message includes attributes for management of the messages received by the SME.

CDMA ~ Features and services

December 25, 2009

Filed under: just write — jaunter @ 2:42 am

when i sad

when i blue

when i really really blue….

December 22, 2009

Filed under: just write — jaunter @ 3:45 pm

How are you??

NOT GOOD…NOt good…




November 15, 2009

apa artinya

Filed under: just write — jaunter @ 10:28 pm

Satu tahun malam sudah terlewati. Lalu apa artinya mimpi-mimpi itu.
Dalam mimpi itu kamu datang, keluargamu, teman-temanku, seolah menghiburku.  Sampai singing baby yg lucu itu, ga ada habisnya bikin ketawa.

Ini bukan cerita novel, bukan film, sinetron, atau fiktif belaka. Ini adalah jalan cerita nyata yang terjadi. Kita tak pernah tahu jalan yang Tuhan gariskan untuk kita. Kita tak pernah tahu jalan mana yang menuntun kita kembali padaNya. Semoga ada kebaikan di balik ini semua. Aku sudah menyerah, aku akan ikuti jalanNya. Sudah tak ada energi dan kemampuan untuk menjadi kontra. Sekarang saatnya Pro…

Tahun ini, merupakan tahun yang berat. Terimakasih sudah datang, walaupun sebentar tapi itu  meringankannya. Setiap kamu datang, waktu berasa cepat sekali. Gak akan pernah cukup, jadi mahal sekali, sangat berharga sekali.

Sudah cukup rasa bersalahmu, jangan diungkit lagi. Seperti yang kamu pernah bilang, engkau adalah anugerah dari Tuhan yang harus aku syukuri…

engkaulah Pemberi Mawar dari Tuhan.

October 24, 2009

museum kuliner lagi

Filed under: jalan-jalan — jaunter @ 3:44 pm

Ini orang kok kerjaannya dolan tok yha…abis muter-muter menjelajahi sebagian makanan di surabaya tiba juga mencicipi makanan yang tidak ada di surabaya. Sampai juga di malang, yaitu tiba di daerah anjasmoro. Disitu di deket pasar kita nyoba bakwan malang..tempatnya biasa tapi rasanya lumayan mantep dan banyak pembeli datang mungkin pas rame. Nhaa habis itu sampailah pada acara inti, jalan dikit di depan pasar ada yang jualan duren. Penjualnya ramah banget, durennya gede-gede. Namanya juga duren montong. Di bukalah satu-satu, whaa mantaaap..dagingnya tebel, rasanya muanisss. Ini duren terenak yang pernah kumakan. Sekarang masih ada gak ya..

Next trip ke malang lanjut naik ke batu. Ada sate kelinci di songgoriti. Trus naik lagi sampai di payung. tempat nongkrong asik, pesen kopi susu dan jagung bakar cocok banget dengan suasana udara dingin di sana.

Setelah lama ga ke malang akhirnya musim duren kita hunting lagi deh. Mampir makan dulu di jamur crispy, tapi lupa namanya. Ada pilihan lain juga dengan sajian serba crispy. di daerah blimbing kalau ga salah. Minggu kemarin nyoba ke sana tapi nggak ketemu sampai nyasar-nyasar kemaleman. Setelah tau tempatnya kok malah mud ilang. Yha..gimana lagi lha wong sendirian aja kayak orang ilang, mbambung sekarang jadi hobby baru. Dulu setelah dari jamur crispy hunting duren lagi sampai nyasar kejauhan ke waduk selorejo…wih wiih. Dah sore dapetnya juga di Batu. Lumayan mengobati kepengen duren, dapet duren petruk setelah eyel2an sama penjualnya. Tapi puas..

Apa lagi ya di malang..ada bakso kota.hmm apa lagi ya..tar lagi aja lah disambung.

October 10, 2009

museum kuliner

Filed under: jalan-jalan — jaunter @ 7:54 am

Hellow all..suka jalan2, makan2 nggak?
aq lagi mengingat ingat, ngumpulin ingatan tempat2 makan yg aq suka. Tentunya di Surabaya. Judul di atas hanya untuk pribadi aja bukan bermaksud yang lain, karena ga tau kpn lagi bisa kesana.
Mulai yang deket kos-kosan ya: Ada warung wader, menunya wader goreng, ikan patin bakar, botok patin, botok udang dan yang paling istimewa ya botok telur asin dan jangan lupa pesen minumnya ada es beras kencur. Sebelahnya dikit ada warung abah bandung yang biasanya pesen soto bandung dan nasi sayur asem, ditambah lagi ada makanan pembukanya tahu sumedang dan tambah minuman es cendol. Jalan lagi beberapa meter ketemu nasi tempong khas banyuwangi, patin bakar juga ada. Di dekat Royal plasa ada depot kecil yang nyediain macem2 menu, biaanya pesen cah kangkung, ayam goreng.
Keluar area agak jauh..bubur ayam indomaret!  Sayang skali terakhir ke sana sendirian malah dah habis.
Pernah ke rumah sakit? tepatnya di rahasiakan. Paling suka pesen soto daging dan bakso daging sapi, jadinya kalo nyebut ya bakso rumah sakit. Kadang ke pujasera manyar, klo pengen makan bubur madura enak disitu ada.
Ada masakan belut goreng paling weenak ya di SBS HR.M apalagi pas hujan-hujan gitu minumnya teh anget..hmmm.
Kapan bisa kesana lagi ya..
Di surabaya banyak Mal, tapi yang paling sering klo dah laper ya di quali..kadang kalo ga lagi di mal juga pengen kesana. Menu pilihan nasi goreng sambel kare, bubur ayam, lumpia udang, ca kangkung sambel trasi, ca baby kailan, sup baso ikan, ayam cabe kering. Jalan lagi ketemu bentoya, yang ga mungkin lewat pesen cawan mushi dan yang mantab mie ramennya. Kalo pengen makan murah rasa mewah ya di d’cost. Kangen juga sama kepiting telur asinnya layar. Bikin bibir tebel kalo banyak makannya, tapi rasanya mantab ga ada duanya. Mie tarik seafood… :((

Hmm masih banyak lagi ada sate buntel, bebek canggih, bakso kepala sapi klampis, ayam goreng pemuda, sate ponorogo darmawangsa, rujak cingur delta, nasi udang bu rudy, endokee g-walk, iga bakar di lontar dan arif rhmn hakim, bubur ayam jakarta bratang, es teler pucang, es cream tomodachi pastry, malay village, penang village, de boliva, hmm dan kayanya masih banyak lagi deh..Dan yang paling penting, agar  lebih mantab lagi..apapun makanannya yang penting dengan siapa makannya…

September 26, 2009

foto sawah

Filed under: Uncategorized — jaunter @ 5:58 am


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